Check Virtual Account Creation Status

This is to check the status of the virtual account created

This endpoint is used to verify the status of the virtual account created. The endpoint would tell if the virtual accounts have been completely created, how many accounts were created and status.
You are required to make a GET request passing your token, trackingRef used in creating the virtual account & version



This endpoint should be called after you have created a virtual account.

Status can be: Pending, Processing or Complete

Expected Response

  "IsSuccessful": true,
  "CustomerIDInString": null,
  "Message": {
    "NominalAccountNumber": "00300011010004991",
    "ProductCode": "105",
    "TrackingRef": "Hydra2PWT",
    "RequestDate": "9/19/2023 11:27:19 AM",
    "NumberOfAccountsRequested": 5,
    "NumberOfAccountsCreated": 5,
    "Status": "Complete",
    "CompletionDate": "2023-09-19T10:28:04"
  "TransactionTrackingRef": null,
  "Page": null

NominalAccountNumber: Merchants Primary Account Number

ProductCode: Product code the Virtual Accounts were created in (Should match product code passed when request was sent)

TrackingRef: Unique Reference for the Create Virtual Account Request (Same as the one passed when sending the request)

RequestDate: Date Time the request was sent

NumberOfAccountsRequested: Number of Virtual accounts requested when sending the request

NumberOfAccountsCreated: Number of Virtual Accounts created

Status: Status of the Virtual Account generation (can be: Pending, Processing or Complete)

CompletionDate: Date/Time the Virtual Accounts were generated (Its null when status is still pending)

You can check out API reference for Check Virtual Account Status